General Information Ride With GPS Link: Points: Garrison RR Station (start) > 9D south> 6 east> Travis Corners Rd> Old Albany Post Rd> Canopus Hill Rd> Oscawana Lake Rd Peekskill Hollow Rd> 301> Stoneleigh Ave> Drewville Rd> Croton Falls Rd> Stoneleigh Ave> Drewville Rd> Maple> 312> Southeast RR Station (finish) Status: Approved Details 3 out of 5Distance: 50.00Difficulty: 85Region Name(s): Putnam Dutchess and Columbia CountiesVertical Gain: 3500Wayne Wright Level(s): ABSignature Route : Attached Files Attachments: garrsn_southeast.doc 7400127.pdf Metro North to Garrison and returning from Southeast. Includes hard-packed dirt roads. Metro North bike permit needed. HS 4/5/15 field_vote: 0Your rating: None0No votes yet