January 2018 President's Message

Happy happy happy New Year . . . . .
It’s another new year – holy moly - another opportunity for us to get it right. The new year will be full of things that have never been, kind of like a chapter in a book that is waiting to be written. We can – we will - write that book, the story of 2018. Our Club; kinda big, at times complicated, sometimes even ornery. And at all times, “The Greatest Show on Earth”.
We are bound to make some mistakes this year – that’s fine. The only people who don’t make mistakes are those who don’t try. They don’t try and lead a ride, they don’t let that “unknown” person come on their ride, they don’t try a SIG, don’t take a chance on a 3-day weekend in the Berkshires, they say “No” time and again. And those people who don’t make mistakes - they don’t make new friends, don’t have new cycling adventures, don’t learn, don’t grow, never ever err. Yawn.
In 2018, I’m going to push myself, I’m going to learn new things, I’m going to do things I’ve never done before. Oh, no, more mistakes coming this 2018. Can’t wait.
Benjamin Franklin said, “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let this new year find you a better man”. I wish that for all the members of the New York Cycle Club – the possibilities are endless – swear!