General Information Ride With GPS Link: Points: NJ side of GW Bridge> Summit> E Clinton> Hardenburgh> 505> Western Hwy> Strawtown Rd> Ridge> S Mtn Rd> 45> 202> David's Bagels> Camp Hill Rd> Pomona> Brick Church> Rt306 > E Saddle River Rd> Allendale Rd> E Saddle River Rd> Jacqueline Ave> Washington Ave> Schraalenburgh Rd> 505> Closter Dock Rd> County Rd> E Clinton Ave> Summit> NJ side of GW Bridge (end) Status: Approved Details 3 out of 5Distance: 66.00Difficulty: 92Region Name(s): New Jersey/Rockland CountyVertical Gain: 26Fred SteinbergLevel(s): ABSignature Route : Attached Files Attachments: s-mtn-rd_brck-chrch_est-sddl-rvr-rd[1].doc 7510200.pdf Similar to W Saddle River version. HS 4/15/15 field_vote: 0Your rating: None0No votes yet