Ride Library Improvements

Ride Library Enhancements - April 2015 - May 2020


In 2015 we unveiled significant improvements in the Ride Library. Hank Schiffman, Carol Waaser (co-Librarians) and Israel Forst (Webmaster), along with a bevy of volunteers, spent 2 months cleaning up old routes and adding improvements to your ride library experience, which included adding RWGPS links to the routes and using Mike Kokurec’s lovely Roboviva app to generate consistent cue sheets. We also added Interest Tags so you can easily search for a history ride or an ice cream ride or a gravel ride, etc. (To use Interest Tags, first click on any Region; then you’ll see the list of tags on the right side. Click on a tag and it will show rides with that interest in all Regions.)
Over the last five years we’ve created more Regions, the latest being Urban Adventures (and we may soon be adding Far Afield). We’ve added lots more routes, thanks to folks submitting their favorites – we’re up over 400 routes now. And now we’ve created a Club Account in RWGPS that provides premium benefits to you, as a member, when you access a route from our Ride Library. Please see the club's Ride With GPS page and read the right hand column for instructions on how to access the Cub Account. Within the Club Account we now have Collections, which group the routes by the same Regions as the Ride Library. Each Collection has an interactive map that allows you to see all the routes in that collection color coded, zoom in and out, move the map around as you wish, and to click on any route on the map to see its information.  It’s an excellent search tool and members are encouraged to try it out.  
In 2020 we also welcomed Bob Schmon as a Ride Librarian. And, of course, we’ve been grateful over the years to several Content Editors and Web Masters (currently Marc Simkin and Natan Elman) for their invaluable assistance.
To use the Library, you can go to a specific Region to look for a route; you can search via the Interest Tags; or you can go to the bottom of the main page and click on View All, which will bring up a search feature and filters.
We hope you will use this library to its fullest extent and explore the many wonderful cycling routes available to us.  We love Piermont and Nyack, but there’s SO MUCH MORE!
HS, CW, RMS  5/2020


A big shout-out to our volunteers, who have been converting old cue sheets into GPS files:

  • Antonio Papageorgiou
  • Bill Nichols
  • Douwe Busschops
  • Gerald Sepey
  • Gil Yang
  • John Semel
  • Sam Lunetta
  • Timothy Shepard
  • Victor Baruh