NYCC Guides

Various tips on better cue sheets, NYCC insurance faq, first aid, central park protocol, etc.

Ride with GPS

Find out how to use RWGPS with the NYCC Ride Library.
Bikes & Public Transit

Taking your bike on public transit.
Instructions on how to submit a ride, ride leading guidelines and explanation about the leader's responsibilities.
By Dr. Edward Fishkin, Medical Director, Woodhull Medical Center, Brooklyn.
Learn how to ride in a group and work together with other cyclists on the road.
By Carol Waaser
Learn when is a good time for a group ride in Central Park and more.
A vast list of hills in the region and their grade. Edited by Hank Schiffman.
By Carol Waaser
By Mark D. Pankin
Text by Mike Kocurek
Presentation By Mike Kocurek
By Gerald Ross
By NJ Randonneuring club
By Maggie Clarke. What does it mean and how can you avoid heat illness? 
By Fairbanks Cycle Club. 
A nice tabular formatted list of what to wear in various temperatures ranges, including down to -30F. Brrr. 
A guide to Bike Clubs and cycling organizations in the area.