Ride Library
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What is a Cue Sheet?
The NYCC Ride Library Commitee has searched high and has seached low. They’ve begged, pleaded and cajoled. They’ve wrestled ride leaders to the ground and forced them to cough up their best routes. We now present the booty all in one place. As these routes come from diverse sources the formats of route sheets vary, however quallity of the rides don't. They all offer scenic, bicycle friendly routes for riders of all levels. They all offer cyclists to the opportunity to fully explore our wonderfully diverse region.
Also see: Additional information about NYCC Ride Library Cue Sheets
Not familiar with the area? See all the regions on a Google Map
NYCC Cue Sheets
Do you know of some forgotten gem? Or have you stumbled across any errors in these cue sheets (horrors!)? Perhaps you know of road conditions that have changed. The NYCC Ride Librarians Hank Schiffman and Carol Waaser want to hear from you. Email ridelibrary@nycc.org.
Pick a route from the many here and lead a ride. Study various routes and cobble together a unique ride of your own. Check out regions you haven't been to before. When you have a new route please submit it for inclusion.
NOTE: The NYCC makes no claims as to the accuracy of the routes. Do not blindly follow any route sheet. Check it against a good road or county map.
Popular Cue Sheets
Average Rating | |
Nyack and the lakes | 0 |
Garrison-Beacon-NYC 87 | 0 |
Westchester Climbfest | 0 |